President Elect

Sandy, United States


Prepares to lead the Chapter as President as part of the tripartite role of President-Elect,
President, and Immediate Past-President.

 Learns the Chapter’s current and long-term goals with affiliated timelines.
Assists the President with assigned tasks and updates stakeholders (committees and
board) on the status of these assignments.
Establishes and maintains communication with the President-Elects of Divisions.
 Chairs the Conference Planning Committee
Co-chairs the Constitution and Bylaws Committee.
Nominates to the Board three members to serve on the Executive Committee.
Assumes the duties of the President in the temporary absence of the President.
Serves as a member of the Executive Committee.
Actively participates in all URA Board meetings and functions.
Ensures the Chapter has the economic resources to fulfill its mission.
Works to advance the mission of the Chapter.
Serves as an ambassador for the Chapter.
May serve on various committees at the request of the URA President. 


1 year (January – December) beginning on the first day of the calendar year

immediately following his/her election.